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Where Do I Begin??

Allison Converse

Updated: Apr 17, 2024

Does this sound like you??


“I start cleaning one room and then notice something else that needs to be done 

and then go to that thing and forget about the first thing and the cycle continues.”


“I'm very motivated to accomplish specific tasks, 

then one interruption derails the whole process.”


“I finally complete a task and 

then feeling wiped out for the rest of the day.”

“Making a list of things to do and having 59 million other things pop up 

so the list gets forgotten about and more tasks remain incomplete.”

“Transitions are super hard. No matter how badly I want or need to do something 

there is either no motivation or severe anxiety attached to it.”

I've been hearing from neurodivergent moms (and I struggle myself at times) that there are REAL struggles with taking care of your homes. And you just don’t know how to get started.  


You start a task, then remember something else on your to do list needs to get done.


You need to do the task, but then get distracted or interrupted by something else (aka kids haha!). 


You can't fit in self care (including just remembering to eat!) because of constant interruptions, hyperfixation, or feeling exhausted. 

You have that never ending to do list that you keep forgetting about.

You have no motivation to do the thing, even though you know it needs to be done. 

You're overwhelmed, anxious, fed up, so you just shut down and don't do anything! 

Your house becomes a MESS.

And CLUTTER starts to pile up.

You don't know where to begin...

One of the main reasons you're not decluttering or struggling with taking care of your home is because you don't know where to BEGIN!

Neurodivergent Moms struggle with task initiation, task paralysis, procrastination, and motivation. It's no wonder clutter is building up in your home! And guess what?!



Your brain just works differently and you may need extra support/accountability to get things done. (or a road map that gets you from A to B). Neurodivergent brains can be complex and everyone works differently. So there is no cookie cutter answer that works for ALL. And that’s OK! 


Sooo many moms are struggling with keeping up their homes. Moms receive constant pressure from outside sources (kids, significant others, the world, social media, etc) let alone internal pressures as well. And whether you're a working or stay at home Mom- there are pressures on both!


The feelings of failing your family/home, not being good enough, 

or the guilt of not being able to keep up with it all. 

It's REAL!


And it's OK and NORMAL to feel these feelings. But it's NOT OK to feel stuck in a hole all alone with no way out. So, I'm writing this to YOU to normalize these feelings/thoughts and let you know that you are NOT alone!!

There is a way out. There are tools that can help you begin decluttering your home. There are systems and rhythms to make your life easier. And that’s what I am here for! This is my job and I love what I do. I get to teach and create with you the best way to better take care of your home and yourself. 

Clutter affects your mind too...

As you probably have figured out, clutter not only affects your home, but also your MIND! You probably have BIG EMOTIONS about all the STUFF in your home. Just so you know... this is a NORMAL response.

There are studies that show (go do some research if you want!) that CLUTTER can cause a lot of mental struggles- such as stress, anxiety, and depression. And if you also have a ADHD or neurodiversity then clutter can affect you even more!

It's ok to feel like you're not sure if you can let go of a sentimental item. It's ok to feel attached to items for whatever the reason. I never recommend getting rid of ALL of your belongings or parting with ALL sentimental items. Decluttering is a step by step process and doesn't happen overnight. I help my clients work through the feelings that come up, because feelings will come up!

And it is possible to go from...

Overstimulated > Visually Pleasing

Stressed > More Relaxed

Overwhelmed > Relieved

Anxious > Calm

Depressed > Blessed

Reset your home > Reset your mind

Clutter doesn't have to control you and your mindset anymore. You can take back control of you home and mind.

So let me start you off with 4 simple tips below to begin your decluttering journey! 

4 Simple Tips to Begin Decluttering Your Home


Start with a bin, drawer, cabinet, or box. Starting small decreases the overwhelm and sets you up for success. Tiny wins build up confidence for you to be able to tackle larger spaces later! 


Using a timer (I know you’ve heard this one before), but it really can work! A timer can help improve focus and attention on the current task. You know that when that timer goes off you’re either done for now, taking a break, or moving onto the next task. 

I typically recommend 15-30 minute decluttering sessions at a time so that way you don’t get too overwhelmed or exhausted. Break it up and do it once or twice a day. Decluttering is not meant to be an all day long process or take up all your time! 



Declutter or do home tasks when you are in the best headspace. Put in headphones and listen to music or a podcast (or don't if that’s distracting). Have the kids occupied or out of the house. Do what works for you! 

And remember to stick with the one small space and try not to jump to another space before you finish the one you're doing! I know this happens a lot for those with neurodivergent brains. If you need to- make yourself sit down in the space you’re completing and not get up until the timer goes off. 



I typically recommend taking ALL items out of the small space and then sorting into categories. That way you can see everything that is there. This is especially helpful when you’re decluttering a junk drawer.

My 4 Sorting Steps come into handy here: TRASH, MOVE, DONATE, KEEP. (I go into more detail on these steps in my coaching programs.)

What's Next?? 

I recommend trying at least one of these tips and see how it works for you. Remember everyone is different and some of these strategies work better for some than others. It doesn’t mean you’re not capable of decluttering your home just because a timer doesn’t work for you. It is possible for you to have a Clutter Free Home and take back control of your home. 

I’m here for you and would love to support you on your decluttering journey. This is a no judgment zone! It's ok to admit you need help and accountability! That's what I'm here for! You don't have to walk this journey alone anymore. (Click here to see what it's like to work with me)

If you’re struggling and need that accountability I would love for you to hop on a FREE Curiosity Call with me. It’s an opportunity for you to share your goals and vision for your home. I’m here to listen and provide feedback without pressure.

Please click below to schedule your FREE call now! 


And don’t forget you are loved, you are enough, and you are special just the way you are! 

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