What is Decluttering?
We hear more and more about decluttering. But, what is decluttering?
Decluttering is MORE than just organizing.
Decluttering is essentially clearing a space of clutter and excess of stuff. Some people may not even be aware they have clutter in their home. However, many individuals know it and the clutter causes increased anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.
We have to do something about this!
Why I Started Decluttering?
As I sit here writing this in our 1600 square foot home, I reflect back to where my decluttering journey began...
What was the turning point that led me down this road?
At the beginning of 2021, a friend recommended that I read “The More of Less” by Joshua Becker. It opened my eyes to how much STUFF we really owned. How much of it we didn’t even use. How much we as humans place value in the THINGS we own.
I was ready to switch it up and start placing value in experiences not stuff. Funny thing is I never thought of myself as materialistic, but I did feel like something was holding me back from moving forward.
I remember living in our 3000 square foot home and looking around at all the STUFF and unused SPACE.
I was overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed to the max.
My life felt turned upside down and out of control.
I wanted control back.
I wanted to flip my focus on something positive instead of all the unexpected changes that were happening in my life.
This time in my life was the climax and tipping point during my decluttering journey.
I knew BIG things were about to happen next...
The BIG Move
I started stacking items in our office (aka storage space). I sold some items on Facebook Marketplace and donated others. The more I got rid of, the more the weight lifted. I felt more free and less claustrophobic.
I slowly began to notice bigger items we rarely used (a second couch) needed to go too. Which led me to realize how many ROOMS in our home we rarely used (our guest and bonus rooms). Which ultimately led to the decision to downsize our home to half the square footage.
We got rid of half our belongings!!
I took it room by room.
Space by space.
One item at a time.
Some rooms were more overwhelming to go through than others. (And this was my second or third time going through the entire house.) Some days I had to take a break from decluttering and focus on something else.
I remember the week before our BIG move- I just dumped stuff on the yard for FREE and the rest got donated or tossed.
I was SO excited to downsize!
And on moving day, seeing all the empty rooms in our first home as a family was bittersweet, but I knew it was the best decision for our future.
Why Declutter?
Now, I am not telling you all of this to say you need to downsize and get rid of half of your belongings. Every person’s decluttering journey looks different and yours most likely won't look exactly like mine.
However, most of the time your “why” to decluttering goes much deeper than “I just need more space or less stuff.”
Sometimes it is a trickle of overwhelm or one big event that happens in your life
that can cause you to re-look at
what you actually want and don’t want.
And sometimes it’s just those negative feelings of overwhelm and anxiety hanging over your head day in and day out. And you just don’t understand why it won’t go away!?
Other times you’re just ready for a change in your life or to feel less overstimulation from your environment and well… MOM LIFE.
Or you just want to not have to clean up SO much stuff on the daily.
Real Life Testimony
My role as a Life Coach that specializes in clutter free living has only just begun. However, I have worked with several clients and I would love to share (after some deep digging) their “why’s” to decluttering.
One of my clients reported not wanting to leave excess stuff behind
when she’s older for her adult child to have to go through.
Another reported wanting each item to have a specific place in her home.
And one client expressed the desire to teach her child at a young age
the value of owning less, giving back by donating, and learning organization.
And a fourth client desired her bedroom to be
her safe, peaceful space to retreat to at the end of the day.
All of them had one thing in common-
TOO much clutter and stuff taking away from
the meaning of what they really desired.
5 Decluttering Benefits
Let’s take a look at 5 main reasons everyone needs to declutter their homes and minds.
1. Improved Focus & Attention
Have you ever been sitting in your office or at a desk ready to work and just felt STUCK? Have you looked around and noticed all the STUFF piling up? Whether it is paper clutter, piles of stuff, or too many to do’s- it can be super overwhelming.
Did you know… clutter can actually decrease your ability to focus and attend to tasks?
How do you think kids feel when their playroom is covered in toys? Do you notice that they move to a different room with a few of their favorite toys? This is because it’s too overwhelming and too hard to focus in the cluttered space.
Decluttering can improve you and your family’s focus and
attention leading to a more productive life!
2. Decreased Visual Clutter and Overstimulation
Anyone else start feeling anxious when the kids start dumping out ALL the toys?! Yea, ME TOO! It drives me nuts.
Did you know that visual clutter can cause overwhelm,
stress, anxiety, and even depression?
Visual clutter can also overstimulate the mind and your senses. I know sometimes I’m even overstimulated by too much noise/sounds.
The decluttering process will not only clear up your home from excess stuff, but also clear your mind. Decreasing clutter will give you MORE space. More space for stuff that you really value. That you will use regularly. Not an excess of overflowing stuff and visual overstimulation.
3. More Time
Do you feel like it takes you ALL day to clean/organize your home? Especially the playroom? (Let me hear an AMEN from the Moms out there!)
Do you feel like you’re constantly cleaning up the same messes and the same stuff over and over again? It feels like there’s NO end to the madness.
Maybe you have TOO MUCH STUFF!
Yes, decluttering is a process and takes time in the beginning, however, once you have the excess stuff gone and a simple system in place you will have more time in the long run. More time to enjoy the actual things you want to do.
Less stuff = less clean up = more time.
4. Decreased Feelings of Anxiety/Stress/Depression
Like we already mentioned: visual clutter can cause increased feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and depression. Go look up the specifics- it’s crazy!
Did you know some people don’t even
use/go in rooms that have too much clutter?
It’s way too overwhelming!
When a room is full of too much stuff, the brain gets overstimulated and overloaded with too many thoughts. A racing brain leads to increased anxiety and stress.
Have you ever noticed after making time to brain dump or journal you typically feel a weight lifted? That same feeling can occur when you declutter a space in your home. It frees the mind to relax and clear space as well.
Some people don’t even realize it’s the excess of stuff that’s
causing their negative emotions.
You may think YOU are the problem!!
That negative self-talk can spiral into a rabbit hole of self destruction making you feel unworthy, lacking self confidence, and continually putting yourself down when you did nothing wrong.
A lot of these mindset traits stem from your childhood. Like I said it’s about digging deep!
It’s time to take control over these negative emotions and decrease your mental overload by decluttering your home.
5. Improved Mood/Sense of Calm
Once the clutter is gone you will feel a weight lifted just like I did.
Your mood will stabilize.
Your home will feel more calm.
Less mess= less stress.
It’s really that simple!
I’m all about starting SMALL, so you don’t get too overwhelmed with trying to declutter your entire home all at once.
I get asked all the time “where do I begin?”
I also hear, “I don’t have the time”.
That is why I created a decluttering solution just for YOU!
The Decluttering Solution
All we want as busy, overwhelmed moms is to have LESS on the to do list
and for everything to take a little less time and energy.
One of the best ways to get your time and energy back is by decluttering your home. Spend less time cleaning up after everyone else and more time doing what makes you happy!
Maybe you’re questioning, but I don’t really have extra time to devote to decluttering?
Maybe just thinking about it overwhelms you more?
Maybe you don’t know where to begin?
I’m here to help and support you every step of the way!
My 1:1 coaching program answers all of the questions above! The program launches SOON and I want to make sure you don’t miss out!
Jump on a quick call with me so we can get to know each other better. I can answer any questions you have.
I can’t wait to hear about your vision and goals for your home.
No strings attached, if you don’t feel like the timing is right or I’m not a good fit for your vision that’s OK!