Have you ever heard of picking a ONE WORD for the entire year?! It sounds kinda silly if you have never done it. But I’ve been doing this since 2012. My old pastor in Wilmington even wrote a book ("My One Word") about it! I highly recommend grabbing a copy if you need further guidance besides the basics I will share here.
Take Time to Reflect
Before you pick a One Word or set yourself up for the New Year, it’s so important to REFLECT on the prior year. As Moms, I know time is super limited, but if you want to reflect then you must take time to do it. Ask your spouse, friend, or family member to watch the kids for a few hours to give you this time to yourself.

Also, remember there is no “rule” that you have to pick your word by
January 1st or you’re a failure.
You can totally pick your word anytime!
How Do You Reflect?
Sit in a quiet space without distractions. No TV, no kids, no interruptions.
Look through pictures on your phone. If you journal- look through your journal too.
Make notes of the past year- events, emotions, etc. You can take notes in a notebook, journal, or typing on your laptop. Whatever way your words will flow the best. I like to list out events and feelings for each month. Do whatever works for you!

Once you feel like you have dumped out everything from the previous year....
You can move forward to picking who you want to be and what word embodies that person for 2023.
But first, let me tell you about my reflection.
A Reflection of the Past Year
In 2022 my word was ENDURANCE. And boy did I feel it! This past year was a year of burnout for me. My family has been through SO many changes the past several years, but 2022 was A LOT! I’m positive I am NOT ALONE in this! I have seen countless Moms in mom groups and friends going through some really rough stuff.
The end of 2021, we had just moved into our new home and completed renovations. The kids started their first year of preschool. I was trying to figure out what it looked like to be a stay at home mom after leaving my job. There was a lot of trial and error figuring out what routines worked best for our family. I feel like I didn’t take time to rest or refuel. Or maybe rather didn’t “make time”.

I was an energizer bunny just going from one task to the next. Checking off the to do lists.
This is how my brain works!
I like to be productive.
I like to be BUSY.
It’s almost like an addiction. As long as I can remember I’ve been like this. Now being busy and productive can have both negative and positive qualities. It does keep me organized and on task. But it definitely brought me to burn out as 2021 I spent the entire year in survival mode just trying to catch my breath.
As I began to reflect, there were also many positives that came out of 2022 including starting my coaching business. However, I still felt very burned out.
It’s crazy because I teach this stuff-
to take care of YOU
so you don't burn out.
But I still struggle just like YOU.
Who Do You Want to be in 2023?

Before you get to picking your word, you need to know WHO you want to become!
Not saying “New Year, New You”. You don’t have to change your core self.
Answer the questions below that resonate with you…
How do you want to grow?
What would you like to look different in your life?
What changes can you make?
What do you need to let go of?
What needs to be added to your life?
Who is a positive influence in your life?
Who do you need to set up better boundaries?
Ultimately, who do you want to be in 2023?
List out all the characteristics. Don’t EDIT yourself.
Why Pick a Word vs Set a Resolution?
2023 is a New Year for all of us.
Picking a word helps me really narrow my focus
and embody the word I choose.

I’m all about making goals, however, sometimes that can get overwhelming. Especially if you’re like me and want to make goals for every area of their life- fitness/health, family, business, etc.
Now I still make business goals every month and that’s ok! With the help of my business coach, this year I actually made legit monetary goals with action steps.
Plus, unless you write it down and look at your resolutions daily, most of the time we end up failing and feeling disappointed in ourselves because we never really reach those goals. Sometimes that can send us off the deep end.
If that’s you… it may be time to pick a ONE WORD.
The word may actually help you get to the
underlying GOALS you desire.
Just try it!
Picking a Word
Picking a word doesn’t have to be complicated...
Maybe it’s a word that resonates with WHO you want to be in 2023.
Maybe it’s a word you keep seeing or hearing everywhere.
Maybe it just popped in your head one day.
If you’re struggling try listing out 5-10 words that relate to your brain dump of who you want to be. Then look up synonyms using the thesaurus. This is how I choose. You should be able to narrow it down and pick one of those words. I can’t wait to hear what you choose!

I also like to pick a Bible verse to go with my word. You are free to do whatever you feel led to do. I simply search my word: RENEW in my Bible app and see what comes up.
“But those who hope in the Lord will RENEW their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Isaiah 40: 31
My One Word
For 2023, my ONE WORD is RENEW.
I am ready for a fresh start,
to begin again,
and become a stronger, better version of myself.
I want to...

Make time to REST and REFRESH and not feel so overwhelmed and busy.
Do things that rejuvenate me, not exhaust me.
Do things I ENJOY.
Change my attitude and how I feel about daily tasks and the mundane.
Show up unapologetically me in every aspect of my life.
Be more REAL.
Have opinions and share in a loving, vulnerable way.
Help and serve others through being my true self.
My First Action Step
One of my first steps to RENEWING myself in 2023 is to start therapy again. I have a lot of past emotional trauma to work through. I struggle with understanding the exact emotion I’m feeling, so I’m excited and nervous to dig deeper into those emotions.
The primary negative emotions I feel are anger, frustration, and anxiety. By digging deeper, I can also understand how to help my clients dig deeper than surface level emotions. I’m thankful to have connected with a therapist that after the first session, I already know we will work well together and she will challenge me.
I challenge you to pick a FIRST STEP after choosing your word.
This can be an action step that moves you forward and challenges you in some way.
PSA: If you’re struggling with any kind of mental health diagnoses or big emotions, it’s OK and it’s SO normal. Sometimes we need extra help from someone unbiased that won’t judge you! Therapy doesn’t mean you’re weak- it actually means you’re a STRONG person willing to grow and get stronger by digging deeper within yourself.
It Won’t Be Easy

Going to therapy,
doing the hard things,
digging deep into emotions,
and understanding your opinions
and true feelings
won’t be EASY, but it will be worth it.
It will be worth it to...
truly know yourself,
who you are, and
who you want to become.
I am ready to feel refreshed and renewed as a more confident woman.
How about you??
My Previous Words
If you want some inspiration on words… here are my ONE WORDS over the past 11 years.
2013: ROOTED
2014: FOCUS
2015: BOLD
2016: STILL
2017: FLOW
2018: THRIVE
2019: PAUSE
2023: RENEW
A Little More About Me

I’m Allison
Crunchy Mom of 2 preschoolers
Personal development junkie
The beach is my happy place
The face behind Calm Cottage Coaching and a coach for busy, overwhelmed Moms.
My mission is to help you discover
a Clutter Free Life through simple, small action steps
that fit into your busy Mom schedule.
Follow me on Instagram below for more REAL LIFE, tips on decluttering,
mindset strategies, freebies, and more.
Click the link below to learn about my two Private Coaching Programs
and how you can work with me in 2023!