Back to School can be stressful no matter what stage of life you are in as a Mom.

Gathering all the supplies, buying new clothes/shoes, figuring out school schedules, and new routines.
It’s a lot to tackle ALL at once. Funny thing is once your kids reach preschool age- it’s an annual ordeal.
As they get older it seems that everything becomes MORE. However, it doesn’t have to be like this!
Self Care vs. Burnout
The first thing I want to chat about is SELF CARE. Yes, I know we have all heard about it and it’s getting drilled into our minds as a MUST for our mental health. It’s true though.
If you don’t take care of YOU, then how are you going to take care of anyone else?
It’s SO important!
Burnout is REAL y’all. As a mom, it can become a vicious cycle of burnout if you don’t start putting yourself FIRST.
I know that sounds crazy too- “putting ME first”?!
“How is that even possible with little ones needing me 24/7?!”

Take it ONE step at a time.
Get up an hour earlier.
Take time in the evening for YOU after the kids are in bed.
Do ONE thing for yourself.
Especially the first week Back to School. Anxiety may be running on high for you and the kids. And it’s been a LONG summer, am I right? Although it goes by fast, the days can be super long and draining with the kids home. You may be in a season of burnout.
Now that it’s time for Back To School you may have an opportunity to finally BREATHE. Whether you stay at home or work full time there is a slight relief.
Try to squeeze in even 10 minutes of self care DAILY.
Here are 20 self care ideas you can begin implementing daily to help you deal with stress, anxiety, or overwhelm.
Move your body for 20 minutes
Take 5 deep breaths
Cook and eat a healthy meal
Go outside and be in nature
Do something YOU love
Write down 5 things you are grateful
Unfollow negative people on social media
Meditate in silence for 5 minutes
Stretch your body or do yoga
Clean part of the house
Take a hot shower or bath
Watch a favorite TV show or movie
Declutter a small space
Eat your favorite sweet treat (mine is ice cream)
Journal for 10 minutes
Pray or do a devotional
Listen to your favorite music
Go for a walk/run
Smile and laugh
Hang out with your favorite person
If you are in a season of burnout, take it one day, one moment at a time and start with ONE thing. Do it consistently for several weeks to a month, then add in another. No need to overwhelm yourself. But it's important to start somewhere. Let me know what you end up trying first or what you already LOVE doing!
Being Consistent with Routines
Adjusting to new routines can be super overwhelming. Trust me, I have two preschoolers and just getting them ready and out the door in the morning can seem impossible. Between potty training and getting in their car seat it can be a challenge.
Here are 5 Simple Routine Tips:
1️⃣Stick to a schedule:
Kids thrive on routine and schedules. Knowing what comes next can really help a kid prepare their mind and body. Routines can also decrease feelings of stress and anxiety for some kids.
For example, have a set bedtime and a bedtime routine. As you prepare to go back to school, have kids go to bed on time so they get plenty of rest. I was just reading the other day that a toddler/preschool age still needs 10-13 hours of sleep each night. Yea, shocking right?!
2️⃣Set an alarm ⏰ for a smooth morning routine

Morning routines are just as important as bedtime routines. Set an alarm or use this kids wake up light alarm clock to instill when to get up in the morning.
This allows kids to start becoming more independent. You can even challenge them to get dressed and brush their teeth before their lights turn green.
3️⃣Prep lunches & backpacks the night before
Preparing as much as you can the night before makes for a smoother morning. Stuff backpacks with all the necessities. My kids still go in with extra clothing, underwear and shoes (just in case).
Prepping lunches and snacks the night before can also be beneficial. You can even bag snacks/sides on Sundays for the entire week. I still pack lunches in the morning, but if it helps with the morning stress- do it the night before.
**See my favorite lunch items in the next section.**
4️⃣Review school teachers/schedule
Reviewing school teachers and schedules can ease you and your kids’ minds. Again, knowing what comes next can really ease anxiety, especially the first week of school. Helping your kids get excited about certain friends that are in their class or their teacher also can help calm the mood.
5️⃣Be consistent with morning and after school routines

Again, I cannot say enough about instilling routines. School is a very strict schedule with limited lunch time and set activity/class times.
The more we can implement schedules and routines at home the easier it will be to prepare your kids for school. (I’m speaking to myself on this one.)
Don’t worry it’s not too late! If your kids are older or have already started school you can begin a routine now. It can be as simple as after school completing homework and grabbing a snack before TV time. Or rest time then homework then outside time.
It’s all about what works for you and your kids.
My 5 Fave Back To School Lunch Items
Lunch can be stressful and such a headache.
“What are your kids really going to eat?”
“How can I give them a variety with healthy options?”
Don’t get too overwhelmed.
It does not have to be so hard. The following products make my life easier as a Mom and my kids love them too. Win win!

Bento type lunch boxes are so popular right now. I love them though! I love the different sections and the kids can easily open/close them. They make lunch prep easier.
I encourage you to go search for “bento box lunch ideas for kids” on Pinterest. There are thousands of ideas! My kids aren’t much on variety, but I always try to include: a protein, veggie, fruit, and side.
These are perfect for those littles who hate crust on their bread (aka my son). These are super easy to use and you can make any sandwich- ham and cheese or PB & J are favorites here.
3️⃣Ice Packs:
I love these ice packs. They fit in lunch boxes perfectly and don’t take up too much room. Whether you use a Bento type box or zip lock bags go grab a pack!
FYI: I recently learned it’s best to have an ice pack on top and bottom of the Bento Box to ensure safe cooling temperatures for perishable foods (meats, cheeses, eggs).
We love these water bottles. Easy to transport and fit in the sides of their backpacks. Straws make it easy for any kid to drink from. Make sure to grab extra straw packs to have just in case.
5️⃣Wall Hooks:
So, where are you going to put all of the kid’s school supplies and book bags? Wall hooks are the best, especially if you don’t already have a mud area.

Quick Tips:
Make sure your kids can open their lunch boxes and water bottles before going to school.
Another thing to practice is time their lunches at home to make sure they are able to finish in the time frame allotted at school.
Happy Back to School Shopping!
Back to School Decluttering Tips
We accumulate so much STUFF especially when we are a Mom. Kids bring the most random things home!
Also, have you noticed kids break things so easily? On the daily over here! We are constantly tossing toys and fidgets, etc.
Kids also seem to grow a ton over the summer, which means new Back To School clothing and shoes.
Check out these 5 categories you can declutter as kids go Back to School. Remember to take each category one at a time to not get too overwhelmed.

1️⃣Kid’s Clothing & Shoes:
If your kids had growth spurts like mine over the summer then they most likely outgrew their clothing and shoes.
Take 20 minutes to go through each kid’s dressers, closets, and shoes. Whatever does not fit, consider donating or giving away to a friend with younger kids.
2️⃣Summer Toys:
Summer is coming to an end. There will be less outside time and fall weather will be here before we know it! Head to the garage or outdoor storage spaces and sort through kid’s summer toys.
Toss whatever is broken, missing pieces, or damaged. Pack up vacation toys and supplies in bins. Go ahead and put them in storage for the fall.
3️⃣Paper Clutter:
Trust me, we all have too much paper clutter in our homes. School and artwork from the previous year, bills, mail, etc. Sort, toss, recycle, shred, or file.
4️⃣Indoor toys:
Toys and games may have accumulated this summer. Take one bin or space at a time and get rid of anything that is no longer played with, broken, or missing pieces. See more tips on decluttering the playroom in my Playroom Decluttering Guide.
5️⃣Kids Books:
Books can take up so much space. Have you been through your kids books lately? I bet if you just take 5 minutes you can get rid of half of them! Donate any books that are no longer age appropriate or undesired.

Reminder: you can include your kids in the process of decluttering, especially when it’s their items. It’s a great learning experience. My recommendation is to take one category for them to assist and not try to do it all at once.
However, if your kids are younger (like mine) most won’t even notice when items are gone. (Always keep their favorites!)
Plus, sometimes the process can become more frustrating when involving the kids. This is totally your decision and what works for you and your family.
Now, you’re ready for Back to School!
So, let's recap!
Don’t forget to make time for YOU and pick at least 1-3 items off the Self Care List to implement daily.
Stick to routines to help make adjustments smoother.
Grab some last minute lunch products.
And don’t forget to take time before school starts (or when you have uninterrupted time) to declutter your kid’s STUFF!

And if you find this all still a little overwhelming. I’m here to help you! No matter where you’re located or how little free time you have.
Grab a 1:1 Zoom coaching session with me, so I can provide accountability and teach you my systems to make decluttering less overwhelming and 100% doable!
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